Wednesday, August 18, 2010

PDP Headbanger Headset Impression

Posted by Noah Solis | Wednesday, August 18, 2010 | Category: |

One major flaw in The Conduit was not something HVS themselves could really do anything about. Wii Speak in my eyes is a lame attempt at giving Wii gamers a way to chat online. Having to use a microphone (that wasn't very great quality) and listen to the output through the TV was not only awkward, but I often found myself not using my $30.00 peripheral because I did not want others to hear what my friends were saying. In fact, at this very moment it is unhooked and stashed away in a drawer in my room. We all know Nintendo is very strict on rules and I thought that I would never see a true headset on my gaming console of choice.

Looking Good
Enter the PDP Headbanger headset. I first heard about the headset on an article someone linked to me at The Portal. My first thought was salvation and freedom from Wii Speak. Then I heard HVS announced it was going to be compatible with Conduit 2. Even better news, things was seriously looking up for the Conduit online faithful. Yet, how does such a headset look thus far? Will it be everything I and others hoped for so far?

Well first off I do love the aesthetic of the design. I really like simplicity and PDP got everything right on the design. Everything is on the headpiece, volume control, mute button, etc. Furthermore, it seems to be a one size fits all and that usually works out. I say usually be.cause someone out there will have a hard time with the headset but we won't be sure until the headset hits the market. I do have to admit this seems like a great long term fix for online communications. Although madcatz does have a model coming out as well for Call of Duty Black Ops, no word if either headset is cross compatible. So if you buy by looks this one should really be a no brainer.

I really only have one major gripe with the headset. It's wired. I'm sure that the cord is long enough to have a comfortable sitting distance, but the fact that its wired makes me feel too tied down and restricted. Why not have it bluetooth and hook up as a second Wii Remote? Sort of like how the Wii Fit balance board hooks up. My guess is its either the first gen and it will be produced later or Nintendo restricts third party developers from doing so. If its the first option then it would be amazing to see a wireless headset one day, if its the later I'm once more angered by Nintendo and their many restrictions. Whatever the case, I do have to reiterate that it is 100% wired so that may be a turnoff for many of you. Although in my eyes anything is better than Wii Speak (Which was also wired).

Because we all need two, right?
I would still one day hope that the Wii gets a serious headset like one made from BOSE (I'm not even sure if BOSE makes headsets for consoles but I do love their headphones.) or some other third party developer. Still, I admire that PDP is making this headset, I admire HVS for making it compatible with Conduit 2, and I admire the fact that they are both coming out at the same time. Which begs me to ask the question. Will there be a bundle of Conduit 2 and the Headbanger Headset? I would be more than happy to dish out an extra $10+ for such a bundle, and hey it would also give people who've never played The Conduit before to pick up Conduit 2, a little incentive tends to go a long way. Be sure to check out the PDP Headbanger Headset along side Conduit 2 when they both come out later this year (Q4).

Check out a video of the PDP Headbanger Headset here.

Written By: The_Noah

Currently have 1 comments:

  1. I like this, however it is stated in another article posted around the devices unveiling that it is compatible with all wii speak optimized games. Also, some good news is that MadCatz, who acquired the Tritton label will be releasing a new version of Tritton's AX 180's which are compatible with the Nintendo Wii. Currently the wired versions of the AX 180's are available at GameStop for a retail price of $79.99

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